NIC Cookies policy


NIC.LV Cookies policy

In effect: 1 April 2024


    1. Network Solutions Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia (hereinafter – NIC.LV) maintains NIC.LV website (hereinafter – website), protects the rights and safety of personal information of its visitors.
    2. This policy has been prepared to provide visitors with additional information about the cookies on the website and how NIC.LV uses them.

    1. Cookies are small files that a website sends to a device (such as a computer, smartphone, or tablet) when someone visits the website. The device’s web browser saves these files, which contain letters and numbers. Cookies can help the website to do things like: find out which pages are popular, keep track of the visitor types, or remember the visitor’s choices, such as the language they use on the website.

    1. NIC.LV uses cookies to ensure the website’s operation and management, to enable website functions, and to provide the domain name registration service.
    2. Cookies help to understand how visitors use the website and how to make the website better for them.
    3. Cookies collect information about how the visitor uses the website. For this purpose, standard logfiles (connection time, duration, and IP address) and anonymous information about the website visitor’s activities are collected.
    4. NIC.LV uses cookies to record whether or not the website visitor has agreed to the use of cookies on the website so that the visitor’s consent is not requested every time the visitor visits the website.
    5. NIC.LV uses various types of cookies that ensure the website’s functionality (“necessary” cookies), i.e. the website does not work without them. Cookies used for analytical or marketing purposes require the consent of the website visitor. By giving consent in the cookie message box when visiting the website, the website visitor chooses whether or not to allow NIC.LV to use analytical and marketing cookies.

    1. NIC.LV uses three categories of cookies, but only two of them – analytical and marketing cookies – require the visitor’s consent. By accepting categories of the analytical and marketing cookies, the visitor consents to all cookies in these categories (see section 4.1.2. and section 4.1.3.). NIC.LV uses the following categories of cookies:

      1. Necessary cookies are essential because they operate and manage the website and allow visitors to access different parts of the website. These cookies are stored on the visitor’s computer, smartphone, tablet, or other device during the visit and browsing on the website, and they are stored there for the period indicated in the table. These cookies are necessary for the website to function, so they cannot be turned off; therefore, the visitor’s consent is not required for this category of cookies, but the visitor is informed about the use of these cookies.

        Name Purpose Storage period
        ga_can_track to determine whether the visitor has consented to the use of cookies 3 months
        _session_id security cookie session time _HTTPS_pool security cookie session time
        _GRECAPTCHA to distinguish between humans and bots to protect the website from spam and abuse, and the cookie is necessary for the provision of services provided by NIC.LV (“Google” cookie) session time
        rc::a to distinguish between humans and bots persistent
        rc::b to distinguish between humans and bots session time
        rc::c to distinguish between humans and bots session time
        rc::f to distinguish between humans and bots session time
        rc::d-15 to distinguish between humans and bots, and this cookie registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user’s device persistent
      2. Analytical cookies – collect information on how the website is used, allow counting the number of visits, and identify the most frequently visited sections, including the content the visitor chooses while browsing the website so that NIC.LV can measure and improve the website’s performance. They help to understand which pages are most and least used and how visitors move around the site. These cookies collect anonymous information about the visitor’s activities on the website (e.g., pages visited, date and time of the visit), which is used for statistical and analytical purposes following the stated purposes. If the visitor refuses the use of these cookies, this visit will not be included in the NIC.LV statistics, but at the same time, it will not limit visitor’s activities on the website.

        Name Purpose Storage period
        _ga to identify unique website visitors by assigning each a randomly generated identifier (“Google Analytics” cookie) 2 years
        _ga_XK8KTRCG61 to store and track page views (“Google Analytics” cookie) 2 years
        _gat to control the number of requests (“Google Analytics” cookie) 1 minute
        _gid to identify unique visitors to the website (“Google Analytics” cookie) 1 day
        __utma to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie records the date of the visitor’s first and last visit to the website. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to “Google Analytics” 2 years
        __utmb to approximate how fast people leave by recording when a visit starts and approximately ends 30 minutes
        __utmc this cookie operated in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine whether the user was in a new session/visit session time
        __utmt to store a number of service requests and limit them if necessary 10 minutes
        __utmz records whether the visitor came from a search engine (and if so, the search keyword used), a link, or from a previous page, like a bookmark or a URL they typed in themselves 6 months
        SOCS to track the consent that the user has granted to “Google” for the privacy settings and the configuration of the related cookies 13 months
        collect to store session state (“Google Analytics” cookie) session time
      3. Marketing cookies – collect information about the website visitor’s habits by creating a visitor’s profile, and they address offers that match the interest shown by the particular visitor. These cookies are used to help provide customised information to the visitor and to analyse the data flow. They also contain social media cookies that allow sharing of the content on social networks. Information collected by third parties may include data such as geographic location data (identified by IP address).

        Name Purpose Storage period
        OTZ visitor settings and information when viewing the site with “Google Maps” 1 month
        DV visitor settings and information when viewing the site with “Google Maps” 1 day
        1P_JAR to display customised ads on “Google” websites based on recent searches and previous interactions 30 days
        AEC to display customised ads on “Google” websites based on recent searches and previous interactions 6 months
        NID to store visitors’ preferences and to personalise ads on “Google” websites based on recent searches and interactions 6 months
        __Secure-ENID to store visitor’s preferences and information, such as language preferences and customised search results 1 year
        SEARCH_SAMESITE to send data to “Google” properly 1 year
        CONSENT to track the consent that the user has granted to “Google” for the privacy settings and the configuration of the related cookies 2 years
    2. Third-party cookies – allow some website sections to display content from external service providers. To view the content of these third parties, the website visitor must first accept their special rules, such as the cookie policy, which is not within the competence of NIC.LV.

      1. NIC.LV has no right to interfere with the services of these third parties. Service providers can change their terms of use, purpose, and cookie policy at any time.
      2. Third-party service providers on the NIC.LV website:
        1. “You Tube” (in more detail –;
        2. “Google Maps” (in more detail –;
        3. “Infogram” (in more detail –

    1. When visiting the website, a cookie message box is displayed to the visitor with a message that the website uses cookies. If the visitor clicks on the “I agree” option, it will mean that the visitor has agreed to all cookies on the website, and the visitor confirms that he/she is familiar with the information about cookies and the purposes of their use.
    2. No visitor consent is required for the necessary cookies, as these ensure the complete and uninterrupted display of the website content, providing the website visitor with a relevant digital browsing and online experience.

    1. If the website visitor does not want to use analytical and marketing cookies on his/her device when visiting the website, the visitor must click on the “I do not agree” option in the cookie message box with a message that the website uses cookies.

    1. The website visitor can change whether to allow NIC.LV to use analytical and marketing cookies or refuse them at any time. However, the website visitor cannot reject the necessary cookies (section 4.1.1.).
    2. If the website visitor wants to consent to or withdraw his/her previously given consent to analytical and marketing cookies, the visitor must click the relevant button:

    1. Clearing the browsing history in the web browser can delete all cookies already set on the website visitor’s device. This action will delete all cookies from all websites the visitor has visited. However, the visitor should consider that in this way, it is possible to lose some of the saved information (for example, saved login data and website settings).
    2. Visitors can check and adjust their web browser’s cookie and privacy protection settings.
    3. Most modern web browsers allow to prevent cookies from being stored on the device, but then the visitor may need to adjust some settings each time a website is visited manually. Some services and functions may not work correctly (for example, logging into a profile with saved data).

    1. If you have any questions about the processing of personal data, please write to the NIC.LV Data Protection Officer at
    2. NIC.LV has the right to change this policy at any time. Any changes to the policy will be published on the NIC.LV website.