- Sīkdatnes, kas nodrošina Jūsu pieprasīto pakalpojumu darbību.
- Sīkdatnes, kas NIC sniedz informāciju par interneta vietnes www.nic.lv apmeklējumu un kuru izmantošanai ir nepieciešama Jūsu piekrišana.
Eiropas augstākā līmeņa domēna vārdu padome (CENTR) ik gadu organizē Starptautisko reģistratūru dienu. Šī ir vieta un laiks, kad visi domēna industriju pārstāvji tiekas vienuviet. Eiropas augstākā līmeņa domēna turētāji satiekas ar reģistratūrām, kopīgi diskutējot un veidojot savstarpējus sadarbības projektus.
Starptautiskā reģistratūru diena norisināsies 2. jūnijā no 9.00 līdz 17.00 Prāgā, Čehijā. To varat apmeklēt gan klātienē, gan tiešsaistē. Reģistrācija ir obligāta! Ja vēlaties reģistrēties, dodiet ziņu, rakstot uz pr@nic.lv.
Plašāka informācija par pasākumu pieejama - https://centr.org/events/upcoming-events/centr-events/centr-registrar-day-2022.html
The session will be divided into six match-meetings of 10-15 minutes each, during which registrars will move from table to table to meet registries. If you attend in person you will be matched with registries attending in person, and if you attend online you will be paired with registries attending online.
Please join us in working on the proposal for a Unified Registrant Verification, where we integrate your feedback and proposals in this process.
During this session, we will hear from two registries on their recently updated agreements with registrars, including requirements on increased information security and registrant validation. Registries will share their experiences in updating contractual obligations and enforcement activities. We will also hear from registrars’ perspective and expectations regarding their contractual relationship with registries. What can we learn from these experiences in light of the upcoming NIS 2 legislative reform? Are there any areas for further and better cooperation between registries and registrars? The session will attempt to explore the answers to these questions and provide space for registries and registrars to jointly share their experience with each other.
Explain to RARs which features could help them with implementing DNSSEC
"Where else can we get in touch with so many different registries face-to-face at a mutually interesting event? It’s the first place where new developments, registry changes or promotion and marketing opportunities are announced. We also meet suppliers, customers and potential customers that we would not have met at other occasions." Reģistratūra Openprovider